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NOTA is for your small coffee shop, catering service, coffee truck or your coffee corner at home!

In the music and singing art, one of the most important qualities is the control on every note. "Nota" embodies the essence of the skill, the study, the technique and of the Italian taste... the essence of shapes and contents with the right technique and the right control.

NOTA manual


It is a 1 group professional espresso coffee machine with thermosiphonic supply system, E61 “Levetta” (lever) brewing raised group, 3 litres copper boiler, switch for water loading selection (from the water system or from the tank of 2,2 litres with capacitive level detector with signal lamp for water lack in the tank), professional sized rotary pump (150 l/h), automatic boiler water loading, motor pump with air cooling, pipes of copper and pipe fittings of brass, thermostat for heating element protection, separate boiler pressure and pump pressure gauges, easy to adjust boiler pressure switch essential for different coffee types and blends, frame of satined stainless steel AISI 304.

Maquina de café Nota front Orchestrale

NOTA com Thermo PID e Digit Chrono

Created for expert and less experienced baristas, guaranteeing very high performance of coffee extraction and steam without needing a double boiler.

Perfect for barista and latte art training courses and coffee taste testing.


The Thermo PID allows you to use 3 programmed profiles:
Extraction profile suitable for a perfect extraction and for single origin coffee or blend testing,
Latte/Steam profile suitable for an excellent steam performance and Latte Art,
Hybrid profile suitable for an optimal balance between extraction and steaming.

Moreover experienced baristas with advanced technical knowledge can set their personal profile adjusting 5 parameters from the menu: Proportional, Integrative, Derivative, Band and Displayed temperature alignment.

Optional: joystick taps, Thermo PID and Digit Chrono, white filter holders for 1 or 2 cups, black or white filter holder E.S.E. pod or capsule adapter, nut wood kit (filter holders, lever and knobs), steam and water wands with teflon inside cold touch, color options and aesthetic customisation.

Maquina de café Termo Pid Nota Orchestrale
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